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Create vendor accounts

A vendor sells advertising time. A vendor can be a radio station, television station, cable system, rep firm, interactive, newspaper, magazine, out-of-home, promotions or other media company.

tipIn this release all vendors except radio stations are considered non-traditional revenue (NTR) vendors.

To create vendor accounts:

1  Click the Accounts tab, and then click the Vendors link at the top of the page.

2  In the Create New Vendor pane, click the drop-down list arrow and select the vendor's business type.

3  Identify the vendor:

For radio station call letters:

For television station call letters:

For cable system names:

For other vendor types:

tipItems with a red asterisk are required. You cannot duplicate a vendor name within a business type.

4  Add the primary contact information:

• Type the first name, last name and work phone number in the boxes.

• Type e-mail and phone details.

5  Click the Create Vendor button to save the vendor and open the Details page.

Details for television and cable systems automatically populated...

tipSee Related topics... for instructions on adding account details.

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