An unrated market is an area that is not measured for television watching. It can also be a measured market that you do not license.
If you're pitching a new client and don't have market data yet, you can create an unrated market. Tapscan adds a ‡ (double dagger) to the end of the name, so you can use the real market name and still identify an unrated market. When you do have licensed data for the market, you can change the vendor's home market to the licensed market.
You can use an unrated market in schedules. Ratings data is not available for an unrated, or custom, market. You must manually enter estimates in a schedule for an unrated market.
To add an unrated market:
1 In the Create New Vendor pane or the Vendor Details page, click the with the Home Market text box.
2 Click the Add Unrated Market button at the bottom of the Select Home Market dialog.
3 Type a name for the unrated market.
4 Click OK to add the unrated market to the Available list in the dialog.
Tapscan appends a ‡ (double dagger) to each unrated market for quick identification. For example, Atlanta‡
To remove an unrated market:
1 In the Create New Vendor pane or the Vendor Details page, click the at the end of the Home Market text box.
2 Click and highlight an unrated market that includes the ‡ (double dagger) at the end of the name.
You can only delete unrated markets. The market must not be assigned as a home or spill market for another vendor, and it must not be used in any schedule.
3 Click the trash can icon to permanently remove the unrated market.
The trash can icon is inactive until you select a valid unrated market.
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