You can edit values in the schedule grid's cells after adding rows. You can also add an entire row manually. Tapscan pulls estimates for specific cells based on the values you type in the others.
If you open a saved schedule and the survey is not available, some estimates may show dashes or blank to indicate unavailable data. You can manually add values in some columns that initially display dashes (i.e., Average Persons). You cannot add values in population-based columns that display as blank (i.e., Average Rating) when the survey is unavailable. When you select an available survey, Tapscan resets the values for empty and manually adjusted cells.
Values you can change will display
highlighted in an orange cell when you double-click on the cell.
You can manually add or change values in the following columns:
• Daypart • Ad Type • Spots • Units/Insertions • Length • Ad Size • Unit rate • Total Cost |
• Average Persons • Average Rating (radio) • Cume Persons • Cume Rating (radio)
• GRPs (radio) • CPPs (radio) • CPM • GIs |
• Qual GRPs (radio) • Qual CPPs (radio) • Qual CPM (radio) • Qual GIs (radio) |
More about manually changing values...
• Edits to fields other than spot placements in days are copied to all other weeks so that each row within a flight contains the same values in every week. You can place spots in different days for different weeks. See Related topics... below for more information..
• When you change the value in the Average Persons and Rating columns or the Cume Persons and Rating columns, all values in that row become italic and the new average person or rating, or cume person or rating, displays in bold italic. A footnote appears on exported spreadsheets.
• Select a row's checkbox and click the Reset Values button in the toolbar to return to the original estimates from ratings data. When you adjust values, some of the totals may be blank for these columns.
• When you change the Weight column's percentage, values and estimates in the row appear in italic, the Weight value appears in bold italic, and a footnote appears on exported spreadsheets.
• Unit rate or total cost columns are monetary values and include only two decimal places for dollars. Tapscan discards any extra digits you type. If you type more than two decimal places in cells that are not money, Tapscan displays a rounded value and uses the rounded value for any calculations.
• Non-traditional revenue (NTR) schedules may include any vendor that you have set up in Accounts, including vendors for which Tapscan doesn't have a data subscription associated with your account.
To manually add or change values:
1. Double-click the cell you want to change.
On the second click, the cell is highlighted in orange.
2. Type the new value and press Enter to refresh the schedule grid.
You cannot use ~ (tilde) or | (pipe) characters for any manually entered value. Other characters from the keyboard, letters and numbers are valid.
Related topics...
Reset adjusted estimate values